Monday 18 March 2013

My guide to avoiding procrastination...

As the period of exams and essay deadlines looms quicker by the second, you may find that your hand twitches towards the hoover, or the dwindling ingredients of your cupboards...


You do not need to start making your next culinary delight that will conveniently take hours to complete, even longer if you have to go and source all of those important ingredients!  Neither do you need to start doing the hoovering, or cleaning your 'study space'.  That's what university libraries are for.  They're already clean for you (well cleaner than your room probably) and you don't need to waste precious amounts of time dusting and polishing away just so that you have an effective place to 'do my essays properly'.  Bonus....uni libraries also have books...yes BOOKS!  This may help you study somewhat.  Just a thought.


Ok, in theory this organisational tool is great.  Of course it's a good idea to plan when you're going to study, set yourself mini deadlines.  Just don't waste time creating the sodding table with colour codes and pretty sketches.  NOT NECESSARY.  Pen. Paper. Monday-Sunday.  What you will achieve. Done. helps if you actually STICK to the timetable.  Otherwise you have wasted all of those vibrant colours in vain.


Possibly the biggest culprit of the bunch.  It becomes VERY important all of a sudden to be up to date with ANYTHING & EVERYTHING on the sites.  This includes university memes,  and pictures of cats being grumpy.  It is also not a good idea to then share such things with others in the hopes of getting those all important notifications...another reason to check your phone after a buzz.  'Ooo it might be a really important email from my lecturer'.  Nope...someone liked your picture of a dog wearing people clothes.  I have been guilty of this in the past.  It's a good idea to deactivate your phone being linked with such sites during exams etc so you don't get all of those unnecessary updates.


Chronic procrastinators lie to themselves.  'Ohh I'll do it tomorrow, I'll be in a better mood then'. Or  'I really work best under pressure.'  Do it now...or seriously regret it the night before.


These are fine, so long as they are just that.  A short break from study.  This does not mean you can have a break before you have even begun.  If you do need a study break, try to do something active and away from your books or computer.  A brisk walk in the fresh air will boost both energy levels and oxytocin levels (feel good hormone) meaning that you will be more positive and prepared for the task at hand.  Staying glued to your laptop or watching the tv will just strain your eyes EVEN more and actually tire you out.


Don't beat yourself up too much about a tiny bit of procrastination.  WE ALL DO IT.  Just accept that you do and make steps to drastically improve it. Oh and don't write blogs telling people not to procrastinate when that is in fact EXACTLY what you are doing.  Guilty.  Back to the books I go!! 

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